Cedric Hagen Agouron Postdoctoral Fellow A library of early Cambrian chemostratigraphic correlations from a reproducible algorithm [60] Last known location: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Colorado Boulder (Website) Bob Kopp Science, Technology & Environmental Policy Postdoctoral Fellow Probabilistic assessment of sea level during the last interglacial stage [17, 37] Last known location: Professor, Director of EOAS, Rutgers University, NJ (Website) Kevin Lewis Hess Postdoctoral Fellow Cyclostratigraphy from Stereo-Image-Derived 3D Models of Mountainsides from the Eocene Green River [28] Last known location: Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore MD (Website) Ryan Ewing NSF Postdoctoral Fellow Periglacial processes during the Marinoan Snowball Earth [40] Last known location: Professor and Robert R. Berg Professor in Geology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (Website) Claire Calmet Possible animal-body fossils in pre-Marinoan limestones from South Australia [24]